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umg schrumpf

The SeKi ® heat-shrink tubings are elastic tubings that contract when they are exposed to heat.

This achieves an optimal insulation and protective effect. The shrink tubing with adhesive on the inside is optionally available, which ensures even better durability.



The amount of shrinkage depends on the selected shrinkage rate.


  • Different sizes: 1,2mm - 25,4mm
  • Different colors: black, red, transparent and white
  • With and without additional glue
  • Operating temperature: -55°C to + 125°C
  • Minimum shrinking temperature: +70°C
  • Minimum temperature for complete shrinking: +100°C
  • In a practical dispenser box
schrumpf schwarz
schrumpf rot
schrumpf transparent
schrumpf weiss

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SeKi around the globe

About SeKi

SeKi is a brand of Matrix Handels GmbH. With the consciously minimal and simple SeKi remote controls, via cables and LED accessories, SeKi positions itself with a wide range of products in the electronic sector.


Matrix Handels GmbH
Nadlerstrasse 1
91183 Abenberg

Phone: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 0
Fax: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 20

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