Here we want to explain the different development steps of a new SeKi® remote to you - starting from the first idea till the commercial launch

At the beginning of every new product there is an idea. In this case a simple big button remote control should be created. This remote should give to mainly hotel and hospitals the possibility of duplicating a programmed SeKi® remote control very easily. Because of the fact that in many hotels there are identical tv sets in the rooms and that quite often the remote controls will get lost or broken, it was the intention to replace the again and again accrueing programming process by a simple duplication mode. The idea of SeKi® Hotel remote and its additional programmer was born.
Now it was time to start in cooperation with technicans of the factory to realize it by doing lot of conversations and drawings.

SeKi – Development step I

As a result of the different ideas and blueprints as a first working sample a circuit board glued on paper board was created. In contrast to the final version this sample didn´t have a usb jack but only an exterior ic plug-in slot. For programming the remote the ic had to be removed from the remote control and had to be placed at the ic slot of the circuit board.
The first sample already assured in most aspects of its functions. After doing some improvements the next steps were for optical appearance and handling...

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SeKi – Development step II

After the positive results of the first tests a consumer friendly design had to be found. In the second step the first, on a paper board glued circiuit board had been replaced by a programmer in a plain plastic housing (left side of the pictrue - already with usb jacks). The final result is a nice designed housing (right side of picture).

Subsequently to the design of the programmer there was the design of the remote control...

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SeKi – Development step III

For the layout of the SeKi® Hotel remote control there was a similar development process like for the programmer. The first working samples only were modified SeKi® Easy Plus remote controls with exterior ic plug-in slot and after a few computer-aided designs they evolved into a shapely remote control with a usb jack hidden in the battery case.

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SeKi – Development step IV

Good things come to those who wait. It took about eight months from the first idea to the commercial launch of SeKi® Hotel remotes control. During that time lot of drawings and working samples had been created till the final product was ready to become official part of the SeKi® family.

The positive feedback of our consumers makes clear that it was worth all the efforts.

At this point we can whistle-blow that some new products are already in such a development process now. Some in a more advanced states, some a less ones...

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About SeKi

SeKi is a brand of Matrix Handels GmbH. With the consciously minimal and simple SeKi remote controls, via cables and LED accessories, SeKi positions itself with a wide range of products in the electronic sector.


Matrix Handels GmbH
Nadlerstrasse 1
91183 Abenberg

Phone: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 0
Fax: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 20

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