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adapterEvery now and then it happens that bulbs don´t fit into lamp sockets like it was planned. Or that you for example just want to use small E14 candle bulbs instead of bigger E27 globular bulbs.

This can be because of optical or space reasons. SeKi lighting adaptors will help by allowing you to use the bulb you want in your lamp. Even if the socket is different.


The adaptors are available for lamps with E14, E27 and GU10 socket and enable the usage of E14, E17, GU10 and G9 illuminants.

By using the E27 2-way adaptor it is possible to put two E27 bulbs into a lamp with only one E27 socket. This splitter is only available for E27 sockets at this moment.

For changes at cable connection or for new installations SeKi as well offers connection wires with GU10 (230V) and MR16 (12V) ceramic socket. Those cable have a 14cm pictail with low density cable jacket.


  • For different lamp sockets:
    • E14
    • E27
    • GU10
  • For different bulb bases:
    • E14
    • E27 & 2x E27
    • GU10
    • G9
  • All-purpose
  • Max. 250V / 100W
  • As well suitable for non-led products!


E14 > E27
E14 > GU10
E14 > G9
E27 > E14
E27 > GU10
E27 > G9
E27 > 2x E27
GU10 > E14
GU10 > E27
Connection wire GU10
Connection wire MR16

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SeKi around the globe

About SeKi

SeKi is a brand of Matrix Handels GmbH. With the consciously minimal and simple SeKi remote controls, via cables and LED accessories, SeKi positions itself with a wide range of products in the electronic sector.


Matrix Handels GmbH
Nadlerstrasse 1
91183 Abenberg

Phone: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 0
Fax: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 20

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