
SeKi® tile spacer with integrated white or RGB led. Build your own set. We offer you the tile Spacer LED in different white colors and also in RGB. To connect the tile spacer with your power supply we suggest you to use our connection set.The tile spacer can be controlled with all our SeKi® single color or RGB controllers (click here to see our controllers)

The tile spacer will be delivered including the needed number of heat shrink tubes and cable end sleeves.


  • LED tile spacer
  • Available colors: cold-white (6000K), warm-white ( 3000K), RGB
  • Diameter LED: 3mm (white), 5mm (RGB)
  • Minimum tile width: 3,5mm (white), 5,5mm (RGB)
  • Operating Voltage: 12 V DC
  • Power Consumption: max. 10mA/LED (white) / 55mA/LED (RGB)
  • Beam Angle: 60°
  • Connection set to connect further tile spacer available separately


Fugenkreuz weiss
Tile spacer white
Fugenkreuz rgb
Tile spacer RGB


Fugenkreuz set weiss
Tile spacer
Set 9 pcs. white
Fugenkreuz set rgb
Tile spacer
Set 9 pcs. RGB


About SeKi

SeKi is a brand of Matrix Handels GmbH. With the consciously minimal and simple SeKi remote controls, via cables and LED accessories, SeKi positions itself with a wide range of products in the electronic sector.


Matrix Handels GmbH
Nadlerstrasse 1
91183 Abenberg

Phone: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 0
Fax: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 20

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